Tukwila, WA, photo by C. Hamilton
Tukwila, WA, photo by C. Hamilton

Why Donate to AANW?

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All Aboard Northwest

AANW is a nonprofit organization that works toward achieving a national transportation network that provides seamless, door-to-door connectivity to everyone in the Greater Northwest region; and offers economic, environmental and equity benefits to all, including low-income, tribal, disability and rural communities, locations where transportation alternatives are limited, and those who cannot drive.

Amtrak Doesn’t Connect Us


The Real Needs


Yellow Lines - Existing Routes
Blue Lines - Proposed New Routes
Not all potential stops shown
All routes shown are “long-distance” services.

Advocacy Landscape:
National and State Organizations

Advocacy Landscape:
Regional Advocacy Needed

Advocacy Landscape:
Local Group Successes

Political Landscape



Minnesota, Wisconsin


Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, South Dakota


Northwest Must Take Advantage of Opportunities

Why is Rail Important? A Vision

Thousands of rail advocates – even people like Jim Hamre and Zack Willhoite, who sacrificed their lives – believe in a vision of a national transportation network that

Needed To Achieve the Vision

The Challenges

1. Engage Local Communities

Engage Local Communities: Outreach

Outreach to local leaders, support letters, membership in regional entities


Salmon - Counties
Green - Tribes

Train Treks

Publicity Event: Billings Special Train

2. Educate and Energize Elected Officials, Business & Local Leaders

Advocate for interactivity between rail and all other modes through engagement with

Whistle Stops

Northwest Rail Forum at Pacific Northwest Economic Region Summit

Facilitated the Northwest Rail Forum

"Thank you for speaking at the PNWER 30th Annual Summit in Big Sky during the Pacific Northwest Passenger Rail Forum! Hundreds of participants from across the region joined us in Montana and online and feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. Events like the Summit are successful because of people like yourself sharing your knowledge and expertise. You played a major role in ensuring our work remains relevant, effective, and timely!"

— Betz Mayer, Program Manager, Pacific NorthWest Economic Region (PNWER)

Connections with Local Leaders

Support Letters from Local Leaders

3. Unite Stakeholders on a Regional Level

Enhance coalitions by educating and coordinating activities among a broad group of stakeholder groups

What All Aboard Northwest Can Do

The Final Challenge: Identify Funding

Be a Founding Sponsor

2022 Sponsorship Opportunities

AANW is looking for sponsorships for these projects.


Please Help!


(206) 222-3735

Dan Bilka
[email protected]

Patrick Carnahan
[email protected]

Charlie Hamilton
[email protected]